Monday, July 23, 2007

Less than 2 weeks.....

In less than 2 weeks, Isabelle will turn 1 year old. Hard to believe that this time last year I was carrying around a little miracle. And today, I went and "tortured the poor little baby girl" (at least that's what her daddy says.) Isabelle now has pierced ears, in the HOPES that people will stop thinking that she is a little boy. I will post some pictures tomorrow....they are on the OTHER computer.....but I don't see how anyone could think that she was a boy.......UGGG.

It finally struck me today the reality that this is the last time that I will have one of my children turn 1 year old. I am not sad that I am not going to have anymore children, I have three that are more than enough to keep me busy. But it's sad to think that all the milestones that I am watching her go through will be the last time I will see them from any of my kids.

And now, it's late and I must sleep to get up before the boys (little evil cabinet raiding monsters at 6:30 a.m.)